Melbourne Stage four lockdown to be extended by a fortnight under draft plan


Melbourne’s tough stage four lockdown would be extended by a fortnight before restrictions are eased more significantly on September 28, according to a draft blueprint.

Under the early draft plan reported by the Herald Sun, Melbourne’s 8pm curfew would remain in place for an additional two weeks along with strict business restrictions and limits on residents’ travel.

However, singles would be allowed one visitor to their homes and limited outdoor gatherings would be permitted from September 14 when the state starts its road to recovery.

But the state government has stressed that the draft plan to ease Melbourne’s lockdown is out of date.

“We know every Victorian wants certainty about the future – for them, for their family and for their work. By the end of the week, we will lay out a plan to reopen our state,” an Andrews government spokesman said on Thursday morning.

Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry chief executive Paul Guerra said the draft document bears no resemblance to the plans business leaders are working on with the state government.

Business leaders have been working with the Andrews government over the past week to develop new guidelines for easing restrictions.

“We’ve been broken up into about 10 different sector groups covering pretty much all of industry across the state – that’s the work that’s being done, it has not been finalised yet and it bears no resemblance to what was reported today,” Mr Guerra told ABC radio.

He said he has been working on a traffic light system where some businesses may be able to open much sooner with COVID-safe plans.

Source & Credits – TheAge