Travel up to 25km from home, Hairdressers open, tennis, golf and property inspections to return in Melbourne


Melburnians will be given more freedoms on Monday as restrictions ease after more than 100 days of a hard lockdown.

The 5km radius travel restriction has been extended to 25km, with the city’s two-hour time limits on gathering and exercising outside scrapped.

The number of people gathering outdoors has been increased to 10 from two households.

The new rules mean people will be able to gather with family and friends from two households outside for as long as they like, providing they are social distancing and wearing masks.

Sporting activities such as tennis, skate parks and golf will be allowed.

Hairdressers will also reopen. Real estate auctions can occur with a maximum of 10 people and commercial real estate inspections can also recommence.

Outdoor pools can host 30 swimmers. Indoor pools can open up for one-on-one hydrotherapy with a health professional.

Non-essential outdoor home maintenance, repairs, renovations, house painting, can occur with a maximum of five workers.

Solo or automated car washing and poor cleaning will be allowed. Mobile or home business pet grooming will also be permitted.

Outdoor photography can recommence. There will be a full return of allied health services.

More restrictions could be lifted soon

Mr Andrews said if the state could keep infection numbers low, the second round of easing of restrictions slated for November 1 could be brought forward.

“I ask Victorians to keep working very hard, each day this week so that we can stand up here next Sunday and make further announcements that what is slated for the first of November can be brought forward,” he said.

“If we enjoy these freedoms but do it in a COVIDSafe way, the things I have announced today, then there is every chance that we are able to bring the first of November deadline forward and take the next big step towards COVID normal some days ahead of the first of November.”

The premier said he understood the restrictions eased from midnight tonight was “not everything everybody wanted”.

But he praised Victorians for driving down infections from the 700s to just one case yesterday and two cases today.

“No rules, no restrictions will be on longer than they need to be,” he said.

“I know it is frustrating. I know there is a lot of pain out there in the community. But we need to as a community focus, as a state, focus on the fact that yes, we have stayed apart but at the same time, we have stuck together. We have looked out for each other. We have achieved quite amazing things. That is something to be optimistic about. We will be able to take these steps because they are safe steps. You cannot run, you cannot sprint to COVID normal. You have to do this in a measured, steady and safe way.”

Source: 9news