Accompany or assistance playing could be simply introduced as joining another instrumentalist by musical instrument playing by understanding quickly the musical production presented by a singer or instrumentalist in a way illuminating its taste, abstraction and meaning. However, the nature of the accompany or assistance playing may be different under various musical styles and modes. Any musical instrument could be used to accompany or assistance playing in a musical production. In the world, when various musical product verities are presented in different styles, different matching musical instruments are used as relevant in accompany or assistance playing. It could be seen that even in the same musical instrument is played in different ways under various musicals styles in order to suit that style. In western music mainly the Piano is used and in Hindustani music and dance the Rhythm playing instruments such as the Thabla, Pakawaj are being used.
In South Indian music, instruments such as Mudagam, Kanjra, Moresing, Ghatum etc. are used and in Sri Lankan Local music and dance musical instruments such as Geta-Bera, Devol-Bera, Davul, Udekki, Thammattam and etc. are in use. Also in the Tribal societies, we could see that they use various instrument playing styles at various functions. In their singing and dancing acts they get the assistance of the various make shift musical playing instruments. We could see differentiations based on the depth and methodology when joining with the Chief Instrument Player in that instrument playing. Various musical instrument playing methods used in Ritual Soothing Functions, various musical instrument playing method used at the various function of Tribes, various musical instrument playing method used in Indian and Western Music , and also the various musical instrument playing method used in the classical and simple Sons-singing are different from each other. When you take the words “Accompany or Assistance Playing” it means that it is a supporting function given towards the success of a certain function or and activity. In terms of the word “Assistance”, in music too the same function has to be done. Whatever musical instruments is being used to assist singing and instrument playing, it should be done to achieve the pinnacle of the qualitative and meaningful taste in view of achieving the success of that function. The equality, illumination of the meaning, classicality etc. embedded in the accompany or assistance playing in the developed music systems are completely different from the music and drama systems that are existing in Tribal Societies. It could be seen that in Folk Music, the accompany of assistance playing is done by preserving their meanings. In various countries, the relevant music instruments are playing in their folk music. Selecting the music instruments and playing it at the suitable occasion may bring the success to that music product. If the player does not have the rhythm, the accompany or assistant player should have a very good understanding on the playing instruments that play variety of music styles and also on the variety of music styles.
The attributes that should possessed by an accompanying or assisting instrument player are, discipline, intelligence, common sense, tolerance, pacification, well-versed with music and a very good understanding on the own work. Further, the instrument player has to get rid of the doubtful mind in playing the instrument in individual or accompanying playing. He should have confidence in his instrument playing. Then only he builds up the ability and strength in unhesitant playing. The constant engagement in practicing rhythm too would mainly and greatly affect this. Also, the individual playing and also engaging in instrument playing on accompany or assistant playing for various players associating different types of people in the field and constant engagement in musical activities will enhance the self-confidence of the player. Through the engagement in constant studies on world famous musicians singings and instrument playing and getting updating on same would polish the abilities of the musician and rhythm player. If he is a Thabla player, being conversant with the playing methods of the other musical instruments and singing methods will be very useful in achieving the success in accompanying and assistant playing.
In instrument playing, one of the main reasons in getting success in individual playing and accompany playing is acquiring high quality playing instruments and getting the expected instrument finished to suit to his set of hands if possible. The ability in getting his playing instrument rhythm for the suitable tones too directly impacted upon the success of his own self. Main function is to clearly and understand the technical knowledge on the instrument that is being used in accompanying or assistance playing. It is a complex function to get engage in accompany playing for classical and simple classical singing and instrumental playing and also in rhythm player that are used in applied music. Although it is called “Simple Music” by name, the depth is based on the understanding and experience obtained in application by the instrument player. The more emphasis is given to the understanding of facts that should be possessed by the Thabla player when he is contributing towards it. The reason for this is that in Sri Lanka in the best mannered songs, the main playing instrument used is the Thabla. In the applied music, the player who faces recordings as well as live performances has to work with better understanding on these two opportunities. The methods that are faced under the recordings in joining with the instruments playing completely different from the methods those have to be faced at live concerts. It will be a strength to his work if the instrument player who is joining by rhythm playing, knows the methodologies and the technicalities as well. Using Metronome in recordings the ability of maintaining the tempo and understanding on the tempo and ability of tolerance of the instrument player are displayed properly. By the methodologies of many instrument players, their characteristics too are highlighted. An experienced instrument player maintains the stability of the tempo of the rhythm playing by playing through the technological methodology called Metronome. In each and every recording function conducted currently this course of action is being adopted. In this, the rhythm player, maintains stability of the tempo. Accordingly, all the other instrument players too playing their instruments in establishing stability of the tempo. Under this system the instrument player should have the understanding on the tempo, intelligence, ability, patience and all the other characteristics. It will be very a very difficult task for a person who is not conversant with the usage of Metronome to perform frequented methodical instrumental playing in various graphical rhythm subjecting to various changes and playing instruments on technological sound patterns which maintains stabilized tempo. Practically, this method is not that suitable for Guzle singing , Noorthy. and simple classical playing. Attempting to activate the singing and instrumental playing styles under the methodologies of illuminating the various feelings under the Metronome system may create unsuccessfulness in those music products. When using the Microphones with high technology, it is very compulsory and important in playing very correctly the item to be recorded. The reason for this is that non playing of the correct letter with confidence would show the sounds of unclear nature obtained through the microphone.
It is a good behavior of the instrumental player focusing on the directions of the music director. It is the responsibility of the experienced and good-mannered rhythm player to get back the singer to the correct tract by avoiding the weaknesses once that happened in singing. Most of the instances, when the singer is focusing his mind only on the singing, he or she losing the attention towards the tempo. This sometimes happening in Live Music Concerts. In there, with the competency of the Chief rhythm Player, the players inclusive of the Singer are being directed to the correct track. For that purpose, he should be well experienced person together with the knowledge in taking quick decisions on tempos and frequencies. In certain instances, the vocalist used to adopt various adorns in his vocals. There will be instances in such adorns, that such adorns could not be sung remaining in the same tempo and frequency flowing and the assistance of the Chief rhythm player will be most necessary in overcoming that.
Also the mental condition of the Chief Instruments Players at that moment and then and there too will have an effect on that function. The nature of the live concert is that the rhythm instruments players too have to engage in playing function by understanding such conditions of the chief instruments players. The main factors that will be impacted on the successful rhythms playing could be shown as the confidence of once playing competency, cordial relationship with brother players, respect to the creations, the responsibility attached to the work he is engaging in and respect to it, the technical skills that have been developed, and the kindness build up through them.
Veteran Percussionist, Master of Arts,
K.A.Nihal Kalubowila.