Friday, March 28, 2025
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Lankan Events

Registration of Sri Lankan Students in Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania

The Consulate General of Sri Lanka in Melbourne cordially invites Sri Lankan students in the states of Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania to register...

Help Nethra School of Computing in Ridhimaliyadda in Badulla

For the 3rd consecutive year, Save Sri Lanka and Melbourne People have organized a Hopper & Kottu Night in aid of Nethra School of...

මෙල්බර්න් නුවරින් “ඩොලර්” !

විදේශ ගතවූ ශ්‍රි ලාංකිකයන් කෙතරම් කාලයක් රටෙන් බැහැරව සිටියත් ලාංකීය සාහිත්‍යය , කලාවන්ට දක්වන උනන්දුවේ අඩුවක් නෑ. ඕස්ට්‍රේලියාවේ මෙල්බර්න් නුවර සිටින ලාංකික තරුණ පිරිසක් වෙනස්ම ආකාරයේ වැඩකට අත ගසාලා. ඔවුන් කාලීන සිදුවීම් අලලා කෙටිකතාමලාවක් (mini series) වෙබ් අවකාශය හරහා මුදා හැර තිබෙනවා.  ඉංග්‍රීසි, දමිළ, හින්දි කියන භාෂා තුනකින් උපසිරසි...

Illegal dual citizenships to be revoked

Any dual citizenship awarded without fulfilling the stipulated criteria will be cancelled, Public Order Minister John Amaratunga warned yesterday.  More than 2,000 dual citizenships awarded...

Australian HC congratulates Australia Awards recipients

The Australian High Commissioner, Ms Robyn Mudie, hosted a reception recently (Nov 20) to congratulate 35 Sri Lankans who have been offered Australia Awards...

11,000 more wait in hope for dual citizenship

More than 11,000 dual citizenship applications are still being processed out of a total of 14,525 applications received since March by the Department of...

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